Services and pricing reflect the cost of service alone. Prices are for individual services and are only meant as a general guideline. When multiple services are requested, pricing may change to reflect these combined services. Parts and materials are extra unless otherwise noted. Fee free to call if you don't find a desired service or if you merely have questions regarding any particular service.
Electric Guitars/Basses
Fixed Bridge ...................................... $24.00
Floating Bridge .................................. $30.00
Floyd Style Bridge ............................. $35.00
4-String Bass .................................... $24.00
5-String ............................................. $24.00
6-String ............................................. $26.00
7-String & Up ..................................... $30.00
Acoustic Instruments
6-String .............................................. $24.00
12-String ............................................ $30.00
Tenor Guitar ...................................... $20.00
4/5-String Banjo ................................. $20.00
Mandolin ............................................ $24.00
Ukulele ............................................... $20.00
Dulcimer ............................................. $20.00
Electric Guitars/Basses
Fixed Bridge ........................................ $45.00
Floating Bridge .................................... $60.00
Floyd Style Bridge ............................... $65.00
4-String Bass ....................................... $50.00
5-String ............................................... $55.00
6-String ............................................... $60.00
7-String & Up ....................................... $65.00
Acoustic Instruments
6 String ................................................ $45.00
12 String .............................................. $60.00
Tenor Guitar ........................................ $40.00
4/5 String Banjo ................................... $40.00
Mandolin .............................................. $35.00
Ukulele ................................................. $30.00
Dulcimer ............................................... $30.00
Electric Guitars/Basses +
Electric Fixed Bridge ............................ $60.00
Electric Floating Bridge ........................ $70.00
Floyd Style Bridge ................................ $90.00
4-String Bass ....................................... $55.00
5-String ................................................ $60.00
6-String ................................................ $65.00
7-String & Up ........................................ $70.00
Acoustic Instruments +
6 String ................................................ $65.00
12 String .............................................. $80.00
Tenor Guitar ........................................ $50.00
4/5 String Banjo ................................... $50.00
Mandolin .............................................. $45.00
Ukulele ................................................. $40.00
Dulcimer ............................................... $40.00
Electric/Bass/Acoustic - includes setup
Custom Nut 6-String ................................ $85.00
Custom Nut 12 String .............................. $110.00
Custom Nut 4-String Bass ....................... $65.00
Custom Nut 5-String Bass ....................... $65.00
Custom Nut 6-String Bass ....................... $70.00
Choices of materials include:
- Bone/Ivory
- Corian
- Graphite
- Tusq®
- Brass
- Ebony/Rosewood
- Earvana® Compensated
+ Materials and/or condition of instrument can require additional considerations to facilitate both a reasonable string action and intonation. Additional costs may be applicable.
Full leveling w / Setup .......................... $150.00 +
Dress Fret Edges ................................ $40.00 +
Full Refret
Unbound Neck ..................................... $240.00 +
Unbound Maple Neck .......................... $275.00 +
Bound Neck ......................................... $325.00 +
Partial Refrets
Unbound Neck ..................................... $25.00 / first fret - plus $10.00 per fret +
Bound Neck ......................................... $35.00 / first fret - plus $12.00 per fret +
Fretless Neck Conversion ................... $85.00-$200.00 *
* Choice of Filler Maple or Rosewood.
+ Bass and long scale instruments, and/or condition of instrument can affect pricing, Please inquire at time of service request.
Fret Dressing
Fret Dress, Level & Crown .................. $80.00 +
Dress Fret Edges Only ........................ $40.00 +
Full Refret
Unbound Neck ..................................... $200.00 +
Bound Neck ......................................... $240.00 +
Partial Refrets
Unbound Neck ..................................... $25.00 / first fret - plus $10.00 per fret.
Bound Neck ......................................... $35.00 / first fret - plus $12.00 per fret.
Fret Dressing
Fret Dress, Level & Crown .................. $75.00 +
Dress Fret Edges Only ........................ $40.00 +
Full Refret
Unbound Neck ..................................... $175.00 +
Bound Neck ......................................... $225.00 +
Partial Refrets
Unbound Neck ..................................... $20.00 / first fret - plus $10.00 per fret.
Bound Neck ......................................... $30.00 / first fret - plus $12.00 per fret.
+ Condition of instrument can affect pricing, please inquire at time of service request.
Tune-O-Matic Bridge Style ................. $25.00
Tremolo Strat Style ............................. $45.00
Tremolo Flyod Style ............................ $50.00
P/J Style Bridge ................................... $40.00
Leo Quan .............................................$50.00 +
+ Price includes slot cutting to specific guage.
** Routing is additional and varies with installation type.
Bridge Reset ....................................... $100.00
Crack Repairs ..................................... Inquire
Broken Headstock ............................... $65 - $250.00 +
Bridge Plate Replacement ................... $150.00
Repair Damaged Saddle Slot .............. Inquire
Fabricate New bridge .......................... $200.00 and up
Re-Glue Loose Brace ......................... $40.00 per brace
+ Depends on the nature of the break and the desired level of restoration.
* Prices reflect repair only. Setup and materials are additional.
Replace Mylar Banjo Head ............................... $45.00 +
Replace Skin Banjo Head ................................. $75.00 +
Replace Friction 5th tuner with Geared ............ $25.00
Install 5th String Spikes .................................... $6.00/ea - spikes included.
+ Cost of Heads or Tuners addidtional
Strat Pickup Replacement (3) ........................... $75.00
P/J Bass Pickups (2) ......................................... $65.00
LP/PRS Style Pickup Replacement (2) ............. $65.00
Tele-Style Pickup Replacement (2) .................. $80.00
EMG Installation Guitar/Bass ............................ $80.00 +
Acoustic Saddle Pickup .................................... $65.00
Acoustic Blender System .................................. $85.00
+ EMG pickups are subject to additional costs depending on configuration.
3-way Switch ........................................ $30.00
5-way Switch ........................................ $45.00
Vol/Tone Control Replacement ............ $30.00 first pot, $10.00 for each additional.
Install Push-Pull Pot ............................. $30.00 - $60.00
Acoustic Output Jack ........................... $35.00
Electric Output Jack ............................. $15.00 - $65.00
Acoustic External Controls ................... Inquire
Preamp with/Harness ............................ $55.00 +
Install 9v Battery Box ............................ $45.00 +
Custom wiring is billed at the Shop's hourly rate of $65.00/hr.
+ Some configurations may require alterations
to existing mounting holes and/or wiring.
Therefore, additional costs may be applicable.
We hope to have the paint shop ready by early spring 2011. We do invite you however to contact us regarding pricing, ideas for a project you might have or, just to ask a general question about any of our services. Thank you and we look forward to your finishing business in the coming months.
Refinishing services are available upon request and is typically Billed at the Shop's hourly rate of $65.00/hr. See the "Finishing" services page for additional information.
Tuner Installation ................................ $25.00 - $65.00 +
Attach Pickguard (Fender© style) ....... $25.00
Attach Pickguard (Gibson© style) ....... $15.00
Pickup Cavity Routing ......................... $15.00 - $25.00 per cavity.
Trem Bridge Cavity Routing ................ $45.00 - 85.00 +
Block Tremolo ..................................... $15.00 - $25.00
Install Strap Buttons ............................ $10.00 - $20.00
+ Price varies with details, as pre-drilling, reaming, cavity shaping add to time required.
Install Fret Markers (top) ......................................... $65.00
Install Fret Markers (side) ........................................ $35.00
Install Fret Markers (custom inlay) ........................... Inquire
Custom Inlay services are available upon request and is typically Billed at the Shop's hourly rate of $65.00/hr.
Payment Methods 
We accept the above credit and/or your debit cards for your convenience.